Thursday, November 28, 2019

Electricity Safety Research Paper Example

Electricity Safety Paper 1. Introduce electricity.  2. Why is electricity dangerous? a) Relationship between current and voltage.   b) How a person completes a circuit.  3. Why is electricity useful?  4. How can you avoid accidents?  5. How can you help someone who got a shock?  6. How do we practice safety at home and school?  At home electricity runs the lights, television, toaster and more. Electricity is a form of energy. Energy is power, the power to do and move things, and to make things work. Electricity is made up of atoms. An atom centre includes at least one proton and neutron. At many a least one electron travels around the centre of the atom at a huge amount of speed. The movement of electrons produces electricity. There are many ways of finding electricity or getting electrified. There are also many kinds of electric types, for example static electricity. To learn about static electricity you have to learn about the nature of matter. In other words, what is all the stuff around us made of?  If you walk across a rug, and reach for the doorknob you will receive a static electric shock. Or, if you come inside from the cold, pull off your hat and all your hair stands on end. You will also receive an electric shock. The movement of electricity is very dangerous. If electricity travels through you, you could easily, seriously get hurt or even die. Electricity can travel through you, if you touch an electric circuit and the ground at the same time; you become electricitys easiest path.  You can avoid these kinds of accidents by keeping all electrical appliances away from water. This is because water is a great conductor of electricity. Another way to avoid is to make sure your hands are dry when you are about to anything electrical. An additional way to avoid electrical accidents is to not use water when putting out an electrical fire. However you should use a multipurpose fire extinguisher. We will write a custom essay sample on Electricity Safety specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Electricity Safety specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Electricity Safety specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A current is the flow of electrons. A voltage calculates how much energy the light bulb takes up, by calculating the energy before it reaches the bulb and after. The relationship between a current and a voltage is that both calculate electrons but in a different way. A current calculates the flow of electrons. However a voltage calculates the amount of electronic energy the bulb takes up.  For electricity to travel where we need it to travel, there must be a complete circuit of electricity. A circuit is like a circle. To complete a circuit you first need to connect one end of each wire to the light bulb base. Then you tape one free wire end to each end of the battery. In this experiment you need a cell battery, a volt light bulb, a light bulb base, masking tape, and a strand copper wire. Electricity is useful as I have written before that it runs the lights, television, toaster, and more. Its hard to even imagine what your life would be like without it. The more you know about how electricity works. The better you can keep yourself, your friends, and your family safe!  You receive an electric shock when an electric current enters your body. You can help someone when they get a shock in many ways. You can help someone who gets an electric shock by either shutting off the source of electricity if you can without hurting yourself. You can use a non-conducting object like a wooden broom if you need to break the connection between the person and the current. After you get that person no longer in contact with the current, check the persons breathing. If its rapid, irregular, or stopped, have someone else call emergency. If the person is fine look for burned skin, if he/she has no burned skin it could still be deep and painful in the inside.  You can practice safety at home by replacing frayed wires, when you are outside, especially after a storm, watch out for broken poles and downed wires, and make sure appliances are turned off when not in use. You can also practice safety at school by teachers teaching you. You could also practice safety at school by keeping a fair distance away from fire or electricity or even electric wires while doing an experiment and it is not turned off. Bibliography

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Toward Global Parliament by Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss essays

Toward Global Parliament by Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss essays "Toward Global Parliament" by Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss is a feature article, which speaks about the possible initiation of a popularly elected global body. Recently, representatives of The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, The United Nations, and former President Clinton have called on citizens of all nations to play a more significant role in the International Order. However, none of those above have a clear vision of how this should be accomplished. In the past decade a number of voluntary and private organizations devoted to social and humanitarian ideals have bonded together and become a significant and international presence. Such organizations as the Red Cross, Greenpeace, and Amnesty International were responsible for putting forth treaties to limit global warming and outlawing landmines. Is it through such a reputable organizations as these that society can best achieve in taking a step toward the creation of a global parliament? We are fully aware of the tremendous influence the corporations, banks, and financial institutions have in today's societies. Leaders in these industries continue to have a strong impact on global policy. Is the best way to achieve global parliament through the most powerful business executives? As we previously stated business people exert tremendous and profound influence in the world today. Privately socially conscious humanitarian organizations also are a voice which people respect. However, these two important and critical entities to date have not been coordinated properly. The authors are attempting to show that only when the civil and corporate interests work as one within a structured organization can positive results be seen. The authors state that such a unified organization would be the voice of citizens and not the voice of nations. The creation of global parliament compromised largely of ordinary citizens might even be asked to negotiate the peaceful resol...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Zimmerman vs. Atlas Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Zimmerman vs. Atlas Energy - Essay Example The hydraulic fracturing that the company used while linking the gas leaked toxic gas into his land and therefore making it inhabitable. When tests were conducted on Zimmerman’s property, it was established that there were alarming levels of carcinogenic chemicals that were dangerously above screening levels. 1500 feet from his place of residence, there was discovered seven potential carcinogenic chemicals. The company, known as Atlas Energy, Inc was formerly known as Atlas Energy and has been in the Energy business since 1968 and is by all means the leading producer in Marcellus Shale. According to Zimmerman, the substances that were found in his lands were so alarming that they could not be caused by nature and therefore, the company had acted negligently by not considering the fact that the land was a privately owned piece of property and should have been more careful with the chemicals they were going to use during their exercise. Zimmerman’s claims were based on th e fact that most farmers from areas which similar developments had taken place were exposed to similar conditions and there seemed like nothing was being done about the situation. A year earlier before the drilling started, Zimmerman claims that the baselines were completely normal and there was no indication of any harmful substances in his property after tests were carried out. 2. Discuss what management could have done in terms of risk management to have prevented the  events that lead to the lawsuit.   In the spirit of promoting sustainable development, international law encourages that all people practice safe methods of development so that the environment is preserved. Sustainable development basically promotes the use of the environment and available resources in such a manner that the current generation exhausts them fully while at the same time preserving the resources for the coming generations. The management at Atlas Energy should ensure that before the drilling begi ns all the precautions are taken so that the society around them is not affected in a bad manner. If it is obvious that such drilling will definitely result to contamination of the environment around the drilling, the management should ensure that the people living around are compensated and re allocated to a place where the chemical spilling will not affect their health and existence. If the initial precautions were ignored, the company management still had a chance to salvage the situation after it realized that Mr. Zimmerman had been affected by the chemicals spilled during the exercise. This would have been done by settling Mr. Zimmerman’s grievances outside the court and ensuring that there are options for Mr. Zimmerman to consider part from the courts. Since the management knew for sure that Zimmerman’s property had been ruined by the effects of their drilling, the Company should have found a way to compensate Mr. Zimmerman from the harm caused. In America, this will be the first of its kind if Mr. Zimmerman goes ahead to win the court case. In countries that majorly depend on foreigners to promote their economy, such scenarios are well expected but not in the United States of America. America is a developed country and a major economic power in the world and therefore, those who choose to develop the economy should do so considering the health of the people around them. 3. Discuss the ethical considerations reflected in the laws applicable to this case.   Every company owes a duty of care to its client and the general public to ensure that all their employees are well equipped to avoid negligence that can harm the public.